Website copy: a case study
The client

Achieve Your Greatness is an established NLP (Neuro-linguistic programming) training school based in Essex, founded by Emma McNally. The website already contained detailed information regarding the courses offered. I was asked to update the website copy to make it more user-friendly and less wordy.
The challenge
Having done a number of courses at the training school myself, I felt that the original website did not adequately reflect the extraordinarily transformational experience these courses offer. It is Emma’s warmth, humour, professionalism and expertise that keep attendees signing up for more and more courses! The person behind the brand was hidden away behind lists of credentials, qualifications and technical terminology.
The challenge was two-fold:
- To make the personal benefits to the client clearer
- To portray Emma’s bubbly personality, whilst maintaining the technical jargon and credentials to highlight her high level of knowledge, professionalism and expertise in the field of NLP.
The solution

I rewrote the About Me section to place the emphasis on what the client can gain from Emma’s experience and qualifications.
This was summarised on the Home page with the line:
Professional, high-level training with warmth and humour
Let me use what I’ve learnt from over 30 years’ experience in business, coaching and training to help you enjoy a more rewarding and meaningful life.
It is now clear from the About Me page what the client can gain from working with Emma – a secret to living their best life, a close-knit community, a safe space to explore what they really want and professional, high-level training.
I used my knowledge of the way Emma speaks to create her voice on the About Me page, signing it off with “Hugs Em xx”, for example, which is how she signs off all her texts and emails
Client testimonial
“Charlotte is professional and efficient. She spent time with me to understand my values, my brand, and what is important to me and my clients. Throughout the process, she made sure that what what she was developing fitted with my vision. She is so talented and was able to really create my brand voice… in fact, when you read her words it could be me talking!” – Emma McNally, Achieve your Greatness
Brand photography by Ross Willsher Photography